Online dating is a very interesting subject and many individuals are very opinionated about it. Some individuals believe it is beneficial, while others view it as an unsafe dating method. We viewed one instance of online interaction that led to a relationship in “You’ve Got Mail.” The method of CMC in the movie was somewhat primitive, but its premise still holds true. Online dating allows individuals to express themselves in different ways from face-to-face communication. We discussed in class, online dating helps individuals meet people they more than likely would have never met in person, but this article about WooMe TV expands on this topic.
WooMe TV allows individuals to listen as well as view the individuals with whom they are conversing. In class, we constructed a list of various aspects that attract us to an individual; at the top of our list was appearance. WooMe TV fills the void of appearance generally associated with online dating. As were learned in our Messages in Context reading, many individuals believe that appearance holds too much weight in face-to-face interactions. However, WooMe TV’s video clips bridge the gap between traditional online dating methods with still pictures and face-to-face interactions. In our class discussion we concluded, although an individual can discover many things including appearance via online dating, the context is simply different.
One of the goals of WooMe TV is to eliminate the awkward face-to-face introduction, which can occur in interpersonal communication. As I viewed several 60-second video clips, many were awkward, impersonal and childish. I felt awkward watching the clips let alone actually using them to evolve a relationship. However, these brief dating sessions help users to experience the beginning stages of an internet relationship, which we have discussed in class. Users can experience the first two stages, curiosity and investigating, by exploring various video clips within the WooMe archive as well as chatting with appealing individuals. I believe WooMe TV extenuates the 3rd stage, testing, by allowing users to use the posted video dates to find common ground with other users. Within the testing stage, WooMe TV has the advantage, as mentioned in Messages in Context, of allowing one individual to “meet” many individuals quickly.
Overall, I believe face-to-face communication and introductions are much more effective and they accurately portray an individual’s personality. Although WooMe TV users can view an individual in the midst of a conversations, several doubts may still arise.
WooMe TV allows individuals to listen as well as view the individuals with whom they are conversing. In class, we constructed a list of various aspects that attract us to an individual; at the top of our list was appearance. WooMe TV fills the void of appearance generally associated with online dating. As were learned in our Messages in Context reading, many individuals believe that appearance holds too much weight in face-to-face interactions. However, WooMe TV’s video clips bridge the gap between traditional online dating methods with still pictures and face-to-face interactions. In our class discussion we concluded, although an individual can discover many things including appearance via online dating, the context is simply different.
One of the goals of WooMe TV is to eliminate the awkward face-to-face introduction, which can occur in interpersonal communication. As I viewed several 60-second video clips, many were awkward, impersonal and childish. I felt awkward watching the clips let alone actually using them to evolve a relationship. However, these brief dating sessions help users to experience the beginning stages of an internet relationship, which we have discussed in class. Users can experience the first two stages, curiosity and investigating, by exploring various video clips within the WooMe archive as well as chatting with appealing individuals. I believe WooMe TV extenuates the 3rd stage, testing, by allowing users to use the posted video dates to find common ground with other users. Within the testing stage, WooMe TV has the advantage, as mentioned in Messages in Context, of allowing one individual to “meet” many individuals quickly.
Overall, I believe face-to-face communication and introductions are much more effective and they accurately portray an individual’s personality. Although WooMe TV users can view an individual in the midst of a conversations, several doubts may still arise.
I have never heard of Woo Me TV before but I think the concept it great. The main issue that I would have with online dating is not being able to truly see the person. Well site seemed to provide a solution to this. Doubts arise in every form of dating so this site will be no different. However, by creating a type of face-to-face communication over the Internet Woo Me TV has opened a new door in online dating and is sure to be successful.
I totally agree with you in the sense that, even though this is a good effort to bridge the gap between face to face and online communication, the fact remains that it still lacks many of the personal qualities of a face to face relationship. Also, how can users be sure the video truly is the person in which they are interacting with? I can only imagine what some of these videos entail and I can just see you sitting there watching them, Jordan!
I agree with you. Although I have never head of Woo Me, I feel like it may be nice for thoes people who try to experience online relationships because they can make an easier connection. In the same sense they still will not be able to experience everything a face to face relationship has to offer. Also there is the possibilty for the videos to be made to make the person look and seem as they would like. Woo Me TV does seem interesting and I am curious to see if it will become the best way for online dating.
Well, I've heard of match.com, but never Woo Me. I'm interested but not suprised that someone has come up with video dating to try to fill the void in online relationships. I am still partial to face-to-face relationships, but I am glad that they are making advancements for those who are interested in trying different medias of dating.
I am a big fan of face-to-face contact when dating and starting out relationships. But then the article I read for my blog gave me another sense of direction on this topic. I think you should read the article jordan and its not that long! Did u find Woo Me on facebook? I feel like I have seen it before on one of the side advertisements.
Woo Me TV sounds like an interesting development for online relationships. It is probably a great tool for people who are introverted and have trouble knowing what to say when first meeting someone face-to-face. In most online relationships though, I think that the lack of visibility of a person can be helpful because looks aren't as emphasized. On Woo Me TV you have the chance to immediately judge a person's physical appearance.
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