Traditionally there has been conflict of whether or not video games have a positive social effect on children. Initially when I read this article, http://www.gamedaily.com/articles/news/study-gaming-among-teens-promotes-social-interaction-and-civic-engagement/?biz=1 I was a bit skeptical. However, after reading that 97% of children ages 12-17 play video games I realized this is a large issue. After discussing CMC in class, I feel as though children have become mesmerized by CMC especially through the means of computer games and video game systems. Also, after working with a local youth group and summer camp, I have recognized that children’s social skills are not adequate.
This article took a different route, claiming children receive a significant amount of social interaction and civic engagement through video games. After reviewing Unit 4, there was a brief description of communication, which included ranking sociability, sensitivity, warmth and friendliness in order to understand ‘social presence.’ Children can be sociable and friendly through their gaming experiences, but how do they receive sensitivity and warmth? As suggested by Unit 4, I understand not all communication is perfect, but it is much easier for children to become anti-social through their reliance on video games. In my eyes gaming prevents children from receiving the full benefits of interpersonal, face to face communication.
During a class discussion we determined that the Internet is a paradox in which following every positive there is a negative. I believe gaming is similar, there are benefits with certain games but do they outweigh the negatives? I still do not believe that all video games stimulate social interaction in children. It is the job of parents, teachers and role models to make certain children are enhancing themselves and others around them with the games they play.
For example, video game systems such as Nintendo’s Wii and Leapfrog promote family and friend interaction. I believe this is more a subtle method to evolve the social skills of children because they play the games for fun and interaction is an added benefit. On the other hand, I still do not advocate the extremely violent or degrading video games because there is nothing positive that can result. I may not be sucked in completely to the idea that most video games can promote social interaction, but I do believe several video games and systems can expand a child’s interpersonal skills.
This article took a different route, claiming children receive a significant amount of social interaction and civic engagement through video games. After reviewing Unit 4, there was a brief description of communication, which included ranking sociability, sensitivity, warmth and friendliness in order to understand ‘social presence.’ Children can be sociable and friendly through their gaming experiences, but how do they receive sensitivity and warmth? As suggested by Unit 4, I understand not all communication is perfect, but it is much easier for children to become anti-social through their reliance on video games. In my eyes gaming prevents children from receiving the full benefits of interpersonal, face to face communication.
During a class discussion we determined that the Internet is a paradox in which following every positive there is a negative. I believe gaming is similar, there are benefits with certain games but do they outweigh the negatives? I still do not believe that all video games stimulate social interaction in children. It is the job of parents, teachers and role models to make certain children are enhancing themselves and others around them with the games they play.
For example, video game systems such as Nintendo’s Wii and Leapfrog promote family and friend interaction. I believe this is more a subtle method to evolve the social skills of children because they play the games for fun and interaction is an added benefit. On the other hand, I still do not advocate the extremely violent or degrading video games because there is nothing positive that can result. I may not be sucked in completely to the idea that most video games can promote social interaction, but I do believe several video games and systems can expand a child’s interpersonal skills.
This is just my experience; but when I was younger social interaction was intertwined with video games. I rarely would play them by myself but if I had a friend or two over then they may take up half the time we spent togethor. And personally, I found this to be a good thing. The whole time we would joke, laugh, fool around, basically just have fun. So from my stand point if video games are used to stimulate social interaction then it is a good thing. But once kids start locking themselves in their room to play hours and hours of video games, parents need to draw the line.
Interesting look at Gaming. I personally spent a majority of my summer playing video games, with all of my friends at my one buddies house. I agree that playing video games are begining to make children much more suseptable to being anti social, but i think it is important for parents to push other activities that get children out of the house and into groups of peers their own age. The one argument that annoys me most is when someone blames that "violent games" are ruining todays youth, making them more likely to commit crimes and being more violent in general. i think it's irrelevent to a childs personality.
This is a tough situation for me, because I do think video games can be a good thing for kids (like you said the wii and leapfrog). But I have a personal experience with the effects of video games on people. My brother, who is 23 mind you, still lives at home, works at a giant eagle, doesn't have his driver's license, plays video games for the majority of his day. It is sleep, work, video games, sleep work, etc. And his social skills are completely lacking. And I blame this on video games because it's all he did through junior high and high school too.
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